This site was created based on the understanding that more often than not:

This site is to teach you your rights, why you should learn about your rights,
this includes Fuckin' Cops as well. See "SLIP Opinions" above.

There are too many Good Fuckin' Cops that do not know the law.

Fuckin' Cops dot com does NOT Like Real[1] Criminals

"The criminal goes free, if he must, but it is the law that sets him free.
Nothing can destroy a government more quickly than its failure to observe its own laws, or worse, its disregard of the charter of its own existence"
-Justice Tom C. Clark,
Mapp v. Ohio, 367 U.S. 643, 659 (1961)

It is very possible that a criminal can learn from this site how to bait an uneducated Fuckin' Cop into violating their rights and not be punished for their crime due to a technicality.

A Good Fuckin' Cop must know the law or else they are a part of the problem which lets criminals go free.

A Fuckin' Cop is a part of the problem. A Good Fuckin' Cop is an active participant in a solution.


Know Your Rights

Fuckin' Cops dot com believes everyone needs to know their rights.

No one should allow (i.e. acquiesce to authority) Fuckin' Cops to deprive them of their rights.

Anyone that witnesses or is the victim of a Fuckin' Cops misbehavior should file a complaint.

Anyone that has been unlawfully arrested should sue the Fuckin' Cop's employer and, if possible[2], sue the Fuckin' Cop personally.


"The general population doesn't know what is happening and it doesn't even know that it doesn't know" -Noam Chomsky,
MIT Professor of Linguistics (Emeritus)

If You Are a Fuckin' Cop...

You may find the term Fuckin' Cop offensive.

Would the term Good Fuckin' Cop be OK? That's the best this site can do.

You know there is good reason you may be referred to as a Fuckin' Cop.

You are either helping to eradicate misconduct, or you are just a Fuckin' Cop.

In the eyes of the public you are either a Good Fuckin' Cop or just a Fuckin' Cop.

If you consider yourself a Good Fuckin' Cop ask yourself these questions.

If you answered No to any of the above questions you are just a Fuckin' Cop. But... but... but... Nothing! You either truthfully answer the above questions with a Yes or you are just a Fuckin' Cop. There is no excuse for unprofessional, unlawful behavior, or allowing another or for you to violate someone's constitutional rights. No Excuse!

1In the opinion of Fuckin' Cops dot com, Real Criminals do not include misdemeanors, those involved with recreational drugs, or voluntary sex workers. Real Criminals cause harm to others.

2 Fuckin' Cops by default have what is called "Qualified Immunity". Qualified Immunity means you cannot sue the Fuckin' Cop personally, only the Fuckin' Cop's employer. If a "reasonable person", in the same situation of the Fuckin' Cop, would have known that his/her actions violated clearly established law, Qualified Immunity does not apply. You may then sue the Fuckin' cop personally.